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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

one of the great things about LA is being able to find virtually anything you want. want a drive-in movie? you got it.

vineland drive-in in the city of industry
this is madhouse and i love it. loads and loads of cars (get there early), kids running around, concession stand, stray dogs, music. madhouse.

devil's night in downtown la
never been to this before though i've seen the screen while driving through downtown and always wondered what that was. apparently the screen is pretty small and the sound is crap. enter @ your own risk. i'll certainly update these rumors once i've been.

the steve allen theater in hollywood also does drive-ins but apparently they do them seasonally. you can click here to check if they have one scheduled. i highly recommend this little gem. been to many a q&a's here that have been highly memorable. overall, a pretty hip/great spot for entertainment with or without the drive-in.

i'll definitely post more if i hear any good things from the local drive-ins. if you have a spot i haven't listed post it on the comments with an addy pleeeease.