here's a Monroe pic i found today. i thought it was kinda cool.

i wonder what she was eating.
i visited the house that monroe died in. well, i drove by it. it's a back house with a great big wooden fence around it. didn't suprise me -the whole privacy thing. why the fascination with her? I just saw Clash By Night and she kind of peaked my interest. i'd never really seen her on the screen before this viewing. she glowed. there is no other story but her when she is on screen. this attribute must have been wonderful and a nightmare for her.
Fritz Lang said she was hard to work with. According to Lang, she had trouble remembering her lines. The movie is pretty spectacular, however, so she found a way to remember - or he found a way to make her remember. whatever. they got it done.
It's hard to figure out what to do with pretty things.
The house where she was found is at 12305 5th. Helena Drive, Brentwood.
Monroe is something else. That's for sure. You've gotta see Some Like It Hot.